To the attention of HBO Producers, During the third episode of the television show “The Pacific” which started airing on March 14th, 2010 in the USA, the dialogue between Marine soldier Leckie and the Greek woman is in contradiction with historical facts and aims to offend Turkey in the eyes of the international community. This scene suggests that Turks have invaded and ransacked Izmir.
First and foremost, we believe that this dialogue has been intentionally included in the script:
1. Even though a dialogue like this is not present in one of the original books the movie is based on, “Helmet For My Pillow” written by Robert Leckie, Marine Leckie sadly listens to this alleged “invasion” and agrees in the show.
2. Although the movie decribes WW2, Japan and the United States and the truth about the Pacific front in the 1940’s; the audience is strangely left to see the story of a sacked Anatolian city in the 20’s, which is total fiction.
Millions of people who don’t know that Izmir was in fact invaded by the Greeks and have no idea about the history behind our country’s struggle to become a free republic might think that Izmir was a Greek city and that it was invaded and sacked by the Turks. In fact, Izmir is a Turkish city where both Greeks and Turks live together and governed by Turkish states since the 14th century.
Izmir was invaded by the Greek army on May 15,1919; the city was besieged for 3 years, 3 months and 24 days by the Greeks and was saved by the national war waged by the Turkish people on September 9, 1922. In short, Izmir is not a Greek city that was sacked by the Turks, but rather a Turkish city that was sacked by the Greek government.
And when it comes to the great fire of Izmir, there are various theories. It is said that either the soldiers under Nurettin Pasha, fleeing Greeks or resisting Armenians might be responsible for the fire. In fact, there are some stories that suggest that the fire started in a cathedral where armory that belonged to resisting Armenians blew up. We would like to stress that it is not ethical to suggest statements in such a certain manner in a situation even when historians don’t agree upon them.
This scene, which has apparently nothing to do with the entire concept of the show, looks like a clear case of lobbying. Once again, we would like to point out that this situation is blackening the independance struggle of a nation and wish that HBO would not be a mediator for misleading and provocative maneuvers such as this one.
HBO yap?mc?lar?na,
14 Mart 2010 tarihinde ABD’de ilk bölümü yay?nlanan “The Pacific” dizisinin 28 Mart’taki 3. bölümünde deniz piyadesi Leckie ile bir Yunan kad?n aras?nda geçen diyalog, tarihî gerçekleri çarp?tm?? ve hem Türk hem uluslararas? kamuoyu nezdinde milletimizi rencide etmi?tir. Bu diyalogda Türklerin ?zmir’i “istila ve talan etti?i, yak?p y?kt???” yolunda cümleler vard?r.
Her ?eyden önce, dizideki bu diyalogun bilinçli bir ?ekilde senaryoya eklendi?ine dair ciddi ipuçlar? bulunuyor:
1. Dizinin temel ald??? 4 kitaptan biri olan Helmet For My Pillow’da, yazar Robert Leckie’nin an?lar?nda böyle bir diyalog geçmezken, dizideki Leckie bu “istila” hikayesini üzülerek dinlemekte, onaylamaktad?r.
2. Dizi 2. Dünya Sava??’n?, Japonya ve Amerika Birle?ik Devletleri’ni, 1940’lar?n ve Pasifik cephesinin gerçeklerini anlat?rken; seyirci konuyla ilgisiz bir ?ekilde 1920’lerde ya?malanm?? gibi gösterilen bir Anadolu kentinin hikayesiyle kar?? kar??ya kalmaktad?r.
?zmir’in asl?nda Yunanl?lar taraf?ndan i?gal edildi?ini, Millî Mücadele tarihini hiç bilmeyen dünya üzerindeki birçok izleyici; bu sahnedeki konu?malardan ?zmir’in bir Yunan kenti oldu?u, Türklerce ele geçirilip talan edildi?i ve yak?ld??? sonucuna varmaktad?r. Oysa ki, ?zmir, Ayd?no?ullar?’ndan beri (14. yüzy?l ba?lar?) Rumlar?n da ya?ad??? bir Türk kentidir.
?zmir, Yunan ordusu taraf?ndan 15 May?s 1919’da i?gal edilmi?; ?ehir 3 y?l, 3 ay, 24 gün boyunca Yunan yönetiminde kalm??; 9 Eylül 1922’de i?galden kurtar?lm??t?r. K?saca ?zmir Türk talan?na u?ram?? bir Yunan kenti de?il, Yunan devletinin i?gal etti?i bir Türk kentidir.
?zmir yang?n? konusuna ili?kin ise de?i?ik iddialar vard?r. Nurettin Pa?a’ya ba?l? askerlerin, kaçan Rumlar?n veya direnen Ermenilerin yang?ndan sorumlu olabilecekleri ileri sürülmektedir. Hatta katedralde direnen Ermenilere ait bir cephaneli?in infilâk ederek yang?n? ba?latt???na ili?kin an?lar bulunmaktad?r. Tarihçilerin dahi üstünde mutab?k kalamad???, emin olamad??? böyle hassas bir konuda, bu kadar kesin bir dille konu?man?n do?ru olmad???n?n alt?n? çizmek isteriz.
Dizinin bütünüyle ilgisi olmayan bu sahne, aç?k bir lobicili?in ürünü olarak durmaktad?r. Gözard? edilen bu durumun, bir milletin kurtulu? mücadelesini karalad???n? belirtir; HBO’nun bu gibi yan?lt?c? ve provokatif manevralar?n arac?s? olmamas?n? temenni ederiz.
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To the attention of HBO Producers, During the third episode of the television show “The Pacific” which started airing on March 14th, 2010 in the USA, the dialogue between Marine soldier Leckie and the Greek woman is in contradiction with historical facts and aims to offend Turkey in the eyes of the international community. This scene suggests that Turks have invaded and ransacked Izmir.
First and foremost, we believe that this dialogue has been intentionally included in the script:
1. Even though a dialogue like this is not present in one of the original books the movie is based on, “Helmet For My Pillow” written by Robert Leckie, Marine Leckie sadly listens to this alleged “invasion” and agrees in the show.
2. Although the movie decribes WW2, Japan and the United States and the truth about the Pacific front in the 1940’s; the audience is strangely left to see the story of a sacked Anatolian city in the 20’s, which is total fiction.
Millions of people who don’t know that Izmir was in fact invaded by the Greeks and have no idea about the history behind our country’s struggle to become a free republic might think that Izmir was a Greek city and that it was invaded and sacked by the Turks. In fact, Izmir is a Turkish city where both Greeks and Turks live together and governed by Turkish states since the 14th century.
Izmir was invaded by the Greek army on May 15,1919; the city was besieged for 3 years, 3 months and 24 days by the Greeks and was saved by the national war waged by the Turkish people on September 9, 1922. In short, Izmir is not a Greek city that was sacked by the Turks, but rather a Turkish city that was sacked by the Greek government.
And when it comes to the great fire of Izmir, there are various theories. It is said that either the soldiers under Nurettin Pasha, fleeing Greeks or resisting Armenians might be responsible for the fire. In fact, there are some stories that suggest that the fire started in a cathedral where armory that belonged to resisting Armenians blew up. We would like to stress that it is not ethical to suggest statements in such a certain manner in a situation even when historians don’t agree upon them.
This scene, which has apparently nothing to do with the entire concept of the show, looks like a clear case of lobbying. Once again, we would like to point out that this situation is blackening the independance struggle of a nation and wish that HBO would not be a mediator for misleading and provocative maneuvers such as this one.